Thursday, March 31, 2022

Applied Learning from Operations during COVID-19

Join our panel and share with us your experiences, your failures, your successes and your future plans and help your municipal neighbours plan their COVID-controlled endemic world


Experts have told us that the world is moving into the next phase. As we move toward a COVID-controlled life, it will be ever important to assess how we handled ourselves over the last two years and to implement real-time changes in our day-to-day operations.

One must ask ourselves a number of important questions, such as:

            • How effectively did we communicate with our stakeholders and partners?
            • How did we handle the supply change issues?
            • What can we do to minimize the impacts?
            • Have you ensured that your staff remain appropriately trained?
            • Will staff be required to work from home or the office?
            • What will the effect be on capital works and will this have long term effects?

Chair/ Host:

Dereck Paul
OMWA Director, President & CEO, Lakefront Group of Companies
Dereck obtained his Chartered Director designation from DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. He held various executive positions at Toronto Hydro, Sprint International, Tech Data Canada and the Electricity Distributors Association prior to joining Lakefront Utilities. Dereck works closely with different levels of Governments and their agencies, including the MECP and Ontario Energy Board. He served as Director and Treasurer on the Cornerstone Hydro Electric Concept (CHEC) board, is a current board member on Epilepsy Canada and OMWA Director, and is very active in his community, working closely with the local Sustainability and Climate Change Committee, Ajax Minor Hokey Association and numerous charities



Laura Smit
OMWA Director, Superintendent of Water Treatment & Supply, City of Orillia
Laura Smit is currently the Superintendent of Water Treatment and Supply for the City of Orillia.  She is an active industry volunteer and has participated in various committees and working groups. Laura joined the OMWA Board of Directors as a Technical Director in April 2018.  She was born and raised in Orillia and has over 20 years of varied experience in water and wastewater operations working for various municipalities.

Justin Pulleyblank
Supervisor of Water Distribution, ENWIN Utilities Ltd
Justin is currently a Supervisor of Water Distribution working for Enwin Utilities in the City of Windsor.  With 22 years experience within the water distribution field, Justin has been involved in various committees and working groups within the industry. Justin joined the OMWA board in 2020 and continues to take an active role In the water, wastewater, storm water sector.




Kathy Vassilakos
OMWA Vice President, Stratford City Councillor
Kathy Vassilakos is a member of the OMWA board as an elected official. She has been a Stratford City Councillor since 2014 and is the current Chair of the Infrastructure, Transportation and Safety Committee. She is a member of the Active Transportation Advisory Committee, Social Research and Planning Council, and Huron Perth Public Health Board. Kathy has a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Toronto and has worked in biotechnology as a project leader and consultant.

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