Justin Pulleyblank
How long have you been on the Board and what position do you currently hold?
As a newly appointed Technical Director, I attended my first meeting February of 2020.
What municipality or organization do you represent?
I currently represent ENWIN Utilities Ltd (former Windsor Utilities Commission), located in Windsor Ontario. We are a Hydro and Water LDC That supplies services to the City of Windsor and treats water for two neighbouring municipalities.
What is your educational and professional background?
I have been involved in the water industry for twenty years now, currently working in a management role within the organization. Early on in my career, I attended St Clair College for programs that include Pre-service Fire and OMDP as well as the University of Windsor and Mohawk College. Some other qualifications include Class IV Water Distribution Certificate, Sub system ORO and Certified Engineering Technician (C. Tech) designation with OACETT.
The OMWA is a not-for-profit organization and all Board positions, including yours, are all volunteer, what inspired you to become an OMWA Board Member?
I felt with the change of technology and immerging issues within the industry this was a perfect time to get involved. We have a voice and the ability to make change. Over the next few years, we will continue to see a generational shift in demographics, new products, political and social hurdles. It is a very exciting time within the water industry.
What do you hope to see in the future for OMWA?
I hope to see the membership of the OMWA continue to be industry leaders and by doing so we will see membership grow organically.
What would you say to a 16-year-old student considering a career path, in water?
The water industry is an excellent career path. The options are endless be it operations, technology, engineering or research there are many career paths one could choose.
What advice would you give to a new graduate considering a position in the water industry?
Work hard, be patient and go get what you want. Options are endless.
What’s your hometown?
Grew up in Windsor Ontario but currently live in the Town of Essex just outside the city.
What brought you to Ontario?
Born and raised.
What was your first job?
Sold Christmas trees for my grandfather.
What challenges have you had to overcome in your career?
One of the biggest challenges for me was finding the time to continue with education and training. I have a lot of drive and determination but sometimes life gets in the way. It took a lot of focus to get to where I am today.
What are some of your hobbies or how do you spend your free time?
I have two young children that occupy most of my time. When I am not busy being dad I also work part time for the Town of Essex as a firefighter. I enjoy anything outdoors.
What is something quirky about you?
I have an identical twin brother and have a lot of fun with that.
What was your most prized toy as a child, and why?
I had a stuffed bunny that I adored. Not sure why really but was heartbroken when my brother threw it from the car window on the highway.
If you could have a t-shirt printed with a message, what would it be?
“Its only life, it’s not permanent”