COVID-19 Webinar files uploaded

The OMWA has uploaded the video and slide show from Friday’s webinar on COVID-19 and Its Impact on Water/Wastewater utilities. You can download the video here (your browser may also allow you to view it online):

COVID-19 webinar (mp4)

And download or view the slide presentation from Stantec here:

Stantec slide show (pdf)

UPDATE: A PDF of the questions and answers from the webinar has also been uploaded. Click here to get a copy.

Thanks to everyone who participated in this event. The OMWA plans to host other educational webinars and events to address this and related issues in the future.

Attend our free webinar on COVID-19


Please join OMWA President Mike Mortimer and Stantec’s Nicole McLellan, M.A.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate at 11 a.m. on Friday, Mar. 27 for this free webinar intended for  water and wastewater utilities to help answer your questions related to the fate of coronaviruses in sewage and water, the efficacy of water treatment for coronaviruses, risks to your staff, and how to address public inquiries. Click the registration link below.
The Ontario Municipal Water Association plans to provide ongoing education on the coronavirus as information develops. Please continue to look for updates in your email and in our weekly e-News broadcast.

Sponsored by Stantec and the OMWA.

To register for this free webinar click here: Stantec & OMWA Free webinar on Zoom After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Stantec’s Nicole McLellan, M.A.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate is an environmental scientist with more than 13 years of experience related to water quality and treatment. She is the lead author of Stantec’s whitepaper “Considerations for Water and Wastewater Treatment Related to the Recent Outbreak: COVID-19.” Her areas of expertise comprise water treatment optimization; regulatory compliance; process performance demonstrations; energy optimization; management of disinfection by-products; control of algae blooms; distribution system management; scientific study designs; and wastewater disinfection.

OMWA president Mike Mortimer is the Manager of Environmental Services for the City of Stratford, with a B.Sc. in Environmental Science and Biology, and almost 20 years’ experience in the water industry.


Coronavirus white paper from Stantec

The international professional services company, Stantec, has given the OMWA permission to post their recent whitepaper on the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) and its relevance to water and wastewater professionals and utilities. We are honoured to be able to share it with our readers. As the paper notes,

As water treatment professionals, we want to inform stakeholders of the current state of knowledge on coronaviruses as it relates to our practice.

Please click here to download the PDF version.  The original blog post from Stantec can be read here.

(Please note, this PDF has been updated since this post was first published. If you downloaded the paper before Mar. 20, please do so again to get the latest version.)