OMWA IMPORTANT BULLETIN re: Changes to Ontario’s Permit-by-Rule Framework









Dear Valued OMWA Member,

The following is an important message from our colleagues at CELA re: the recent notices on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO.)

The government of Ontario has recently posted four notices on the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO), which propose to:

  • expand and change the permit-by-rule framework (to enable more proponents to self-register, rather than seeking an environmental authorization, before commencing certain activities)
  • expand and bring more activities (such as construction site dewatering activities, residential foundation drains, stormwater management works, and waste management) into the existing permit-by-rule framework.

The deadline for all of these proposals is October 30, 2023.

We encourage you to attend the webinars being presented by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). It is important that the province knows people are paying attention and are concerned about the proposed changes.

All of the ERO notice links, as well as links to the various webinar registration pages, are below.


ERO Notices


Webinars hosted by MECP:

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