Friday, June 10, 2022

Funding Stormwater Capital & Operating Costs without Property Taxes


Who Should Attend:

This webinar will be of interest to stakeholders involved in adequately funding and providing effective municipal stormwater services in Ontario including municipal politicians & senior staff, managers, asset management and financial staff, planners, capital and operations engineers and operations staff.


Join us for an informative and interactive workshop.

            • Become familiar with Development Charges and how they are employed to fund Stormwater infrastructure costs for new development.
            • Review different approaches to establishing Stormwater rates which remove these costs off of the general property tax levy and focus the charges on different land uses
            • Understand longer-term strategies to address asset management within these capital and operating charges
            • Surveys of different municipal charges, approaches and policies to these rates and charges will be presented.
            • Summary of the public processes employed by different municipalities will also be reviewed

The workshop will present approaches and findings a leading professional land economist has experienced in implementing these charges on behalf of Ontario municipalities. Discussions will focus on these various approaches to the capital and operating rates/charges.  As well, discussion regarding public perspective and feedback to these rates/charges will be also provided to highlight areas of most significant concern to the general public.


Laura Smit
OMWA Director, Superintendent of Water Treatment & Supply, City of Orillia
Laura Smit is currently the Superintendent of Water Treatment and Supply for the City of Orillia.  She is an active industry volunteer and has participated in various committees and working groups. Laura joined the OMWA Board of Directors as a Technical Director in April 2018.  She was born and raised in Orillia and has over 20 years of varied experience in water and wastewater operations working for various municipalities.


Gary Scandlan, PLE, BA
Director & Managing Partner, Watson & Associates
Since joining the firm 33 years ago, Gary has worked with over 150 Canadian municipalities assisting them in long range capital planning, development charges, water/wastewater/stormwater rate studies, developer agreement negotiations, growth management strategies and economic/financial feasibility studies. Prior to joining Watson, he worked for two Ontario Regional Municipalities.





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