The Ontario Municipal Water Association (OMWA) is looking for articles for our next installment of (Water)3, coming this spring.
The topic is Water 101: What Every Municipal Politician Should Know.
Whether they are an incumbent member of municipal council running again, or a candidate seeking election for the first time, we want to be the source for education about municipal drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems that politicians can easily access and refer to. We want to help politicians to be fully and accurately informed about municipal water issues even before they file their papers. And not just about drinking water systems: we want to know how you teach them about your wastewater and stormwater facilities and management, too.
If you have stories about how your municipality has handled teaching councillors about their water systems, the legislation about water, the infrastructure and their legal responsibilities and liabilities, we’d love to hear from you.
If you have regular tours of your water facilities, we’d like to hear how well they are attended, what questions participants ask and how your community responds to them. If you have formal classes or workshops on water for your new councils, tell us what you teach them, and how they respond. And after four years in office, are they still engaged? If not, what can municipalities do to keep water in the forefront, and keep politicians engaged and up to date?
Share your tips, photographs and your stories with us so we can share them. Help us prepare municipal politicians across the province so we can have fully informed and educated councils in the coming term.
If you are a conservation authority or source protection agency, or even a private company involved in municipal water matters, we want to hear from you, too.
Contact us or send your submissions to:
Communications Director
Ontario Municipal Water Association