Strategic plan

OMWA’s Strategic Plan
(currently being updated for 2020)


Utilize Technical and Political Expertise to Address Legislative and Regulatory Issues Affecting Public Water Supply.

  1. Review and monitor policies, legislation and regulations (proposed and existing) and provide input and/or position papers to ensure they address high standards of treatment, infrastructure, operations, governance and general management for safe, reliable and high quality public water supply;
  2. Develop and distribute summary papers to municipal representatives and formally request support from councils and/or water authorities and distribute to appropriate Provincial and Federal government representatives.


Maximize Government Relations.


  1. Meet quarterly or as needed with the Ministry of Environment and work with all levels of government and their agencies to maintain a safe, adequate and sustainable public water supply;
  2. Identify the existing government committees related to public water supply and where appropriate seek to have OMWA representation on the committees;
  3. Continue to strengthen our Joint OWWA/OMWA Executive Committee through regular communications.


Enhance Public Confidence in Public Water Supply.


  1. Six times a year put out news releases on relevant issues affecting water and the consumer. i.e. bottled water;
  2. Profile public water supply leaders (personal and systems) in the Pipeline and on this website, and then provide the article to the local media;
  3. Undertake an annual survey at targeted groups;
  4. Provide speakers to local service clubs and other organizations to talk about issues surrounding public water supply.


Increase Awareness of OMWA’s Value to Stakeholders through Targeted Communication.


  1. Engage involvement of membership on subcommittee work;
  2. Send monthly fax/e-mail alerts on achievements or issues to be noted;
  3. Increase value of the website to members by creating easy direct links for information;
  4. Develop a member recognition program.


Support and Advance Education, Training and Development that is Relevant to Public Water Supply.


  1. Work with the Ministry, OWWA and others to ensure the effective and efficient training and education;
  2. Provide regional annual conferences with sessions relevant to members;
  3. Develop a working relationship with appropriate colleges for the development of programs related to our member operations;
  4. Develop an outreach program for our bursary and profile our bursary winners in the pipeline and media (when that program is reinstated).
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