OMWA’s Strategic Plan
(currently being updated for 2020)
Utilize Technical and Political Expertise to Address Legislative and Regulatory Issues Affecting Public Water Supply.
- Review and monitor policies, legislation and regulations (proposed and existing) and provide input and/or position papers to ensure they address high standards of treatment, infrastructure, operations, governance and general management for safe, reliable and high quality public water supply;
- Develop and distribute summary papers to municipal representatives and formally request support from councils and/or water authorities and distribute to appropriate Provincial and Federal government representatives.
Maximize Government Relations.
- Meet quarterly or as needed with the Ministry of Environment and work with all levels of government and their agencies to maintain a safe, adequate and sustainable public water supply;
- Identify the existing government committees related to public water supply and where appropriate seek to have OMWA representation on the committees;
- Continue to strengthen our Joint OWWA/OMWA Executive Committee through regular communications.
Enhance Public Confidence in Public Water Supply.
- Six times a year put out news releases on relevant issues affecting water and the consumer. i.e. bottled water;
- Profile public water supply leaders (personal and systems) in the Pipeline and on this website, and then provide the article to the local media;
- Undertake an annual survey at targeted groups;
- Provide speakers to local service clubs and other organizations to talk about issues surrounding public water supply.
Increase Awareness of OMWA’s Value to Stakeholders through Targeted Communication.
- Engage involvement of membership on subcommittee work;
- Send monthly fax/e-mail alerts on achievements or issues to be noted;
- Increase value of the website to members by creating easy direct links for information;
- Develop a member recognition program.
Support and Advance Education, Training and Development that is Relevant to Public Water Supply.
- Work with the Ministry, OWWA and others to ensure the effective and efficient training and education;
- Provide regional annual conferences with sessions relevant to members;
- Develop a working relationship with appropriate colleges for the development of programs related to our member operations;
- Develop an outreach program for our bursary and profile our bursary winners in the pipeline and media (when that program is reinstated).