President Rosemary Kelleher-MacLennan


Deputy Mayor Rosemary Kelleher-MacLennan

Rosemary Kelleher-MacLennan was elected to the Campbellford Seymour Public Utilities Commission in 1997 and served as Commissioner and Chair (1999-2000) until the dissolution of the P.U.C. in 2000. She has served on the OMWA Board since 1998. She was Chair of the Eastern Ontario Region (EOMWA) in 1998- 2009, and nominated Chair of the OMWA Board in 2005.

In 2003, Rosemary was elected to the amalgamated Municipality of Trent Hills Council as councillor. She currently sits as Deputy Mayor. She was appointed to the Trent Conservation Coalition Drinking Water Source Water Protection Committee in 2005, and remains on the committee as a municipal representative.

She received OMWA’s Don Black Award in 2003, recognizing individuals or public water authorities who have demonstrated outstanding service in support of the principles of the Ontario Municipal Water Association. In 2007, she received the OMWA Award of Exceptional Merit, awarded to those individuals who have made a contribution of exceptional merit to the OMWA and the waterworks industry either over an extended period of time or by distinguished service to a special project.

Rosemary obtained her Real Estate license in 1986 and is employed as a real estate broker in her hometown Campbellford.

“It is a humbling honor to have had the opportunity of working for and with the Ontario Municipal Water Association since 1998,” she said. “Working through The Walkerton Inquiry, the Clean Water Act, Drinking Water Source Protection, etc., sometimes seems immense, but the goals of supplying safe public drinking water and maintaining highest of standards are most gratifying.”

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